Dr. Sambhu Chakraborty (Director)
Dr. Sambhu Chakraborty is a GCLP expert and renowned Laboratory Quality and test results validation expert Laboratory and Hospital Accreditation professional from India. Dr Chakraborty is pioneer on the concept of Healthcare quality and specially in Medical laboratory quality. His working area is How to perform a medical test on human samples by maintaining various quality attributes, how to deliver a right test report to Patient for correct diagnosis of the patient, so that clinician can have faith in the report and make a correct diagnosis of the patient. His work and thought is appreciated by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) which is the highest Medical research organization of the country, He was selected by ICMR to develop a guideline for medical laboratories. ICMR formed a Board in the name of Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) where Dr Chakraborty was invited in their two Boards and under the guidance of Dr Chakraborty ICMR started to prepare Good Clinical laboratory practice for Indian Laboratories. In the ICMR, he was the only non-medical degree holder who was given this great responsibility to prepare nations first guideline on Good clinical laboratory practices (GCLP).
After the release of GCLP guidelines, Dr Chakraborty got calls from various medical institutions, Industry laboratories for delivering lectures and guidance in the form of workshops/ programs, so that Laboratories can follow GCLP in their laboratories and can also walk for a journey towards their laboratories accreditation. Every laboratory and medical professional was keen to know the process of validation of the test report.
Dr Chakraborty started holding this workshop/ program and personal appearance as and when requested by the Institution, in those programs a group of medical doctors in the field of laboratory medicine (Pathologist/ Bio chemist) was involved. He held/organized all this program and workshop in his name and banner for GCLP implementation. This was a voluntary effort by Dr Chakraborty to fulfil the mission of ICMR, so that every laboratory should practice GCLP.
Dr Chakraborty also the promoter of NABL Accreditation concept in Eastern India. He conducted first joint workshop with NABL in the year 2000 to create laboratory accreditation concept in Eastern India. Accreditation become popular through his dedicated effort on Quality and accreditation concept. He created the awareness that NABL Accreditation ensures the test results are released by an Accredited laboratory is a validated test.